Our Product

Neo Shikshya (School ERP)

  • Overview of student information system and homework collection workflow automations
  • On-demand webinar about transforming school administration efficiency
  • Infographic showcasing analytics and dashboards for tracking KPIs
  • “Why Parents Love Our Mobile App” page highlighting parent portal access
  • Customer story from school highlighting user experience

CRM (Sajilo)

  • Explainer video on sales pipeline view and deal tracking
  • Comparison matrix vs competitor software
  • “20 Best Practices For Selling With CRM” eBook
  • ROI calculator tool showing potential time savings
  • Integrations list – email marketing, accounting, payment systems

Fleet Management

  • Features list – route optimization, vehicle tracking, maintenance scheduling, reporting
  • Fuel cost reduction case study
  • Video demo of mobile app for drivers
  • List of supported GPS integrations
  • Whitepaper on improving fleet safety with telematics


  • Animated image banners explaining core HR workflows
  • Case study from 5-star review client enterprise implementation
  • Datasheet on unified recruiting, onboarding and talent development
  • Listing of performance review templates and methodologies
  • Interactive demo account signup